Reply To: Giving Alcohol to Minors on Purim

Home Forums Yom Tov Purim Giving Alcohol to Minors on Purim Reply To: Giving Alcohol to Minors on Purim


I did NOT read through this entire thread, nor do I intend to. If I am repeating something, my apologies.

Did anyone see the Sefer by R’ Doniel Neustadt (sp?) Called ‘daily halacha’ (I believe this is the name) and the halacha he writes for the 11th of Adar? If you don’t want your kids to drink on purim, just tell them ” I forbid you to drink” and they have a chiyuv midoraisa of kibbud av to listen. He quotes this in the name of R’ Shlomo ZAlman z’l. It was later explained to me that the rule that kibbud av doesn’t apply when a parent tells you to go against halacha does not apply in a situation where there is a machlokes poskim. Since there is a wide range of poskim regarding drinking on purim (as stated on ywn the range is from rolling around in your vomit to a glass of wine) the son can be yotze according to those shittos. Of course, now it is shushan purim in c’l there is no excuse for drinking or giving anyone to drink.