Reply To: Did Mordechai make a Chillul Hashem by breaking the law?

Home Forums Yom Tov Purim Did Mordechai make a Chillul Hashem by breaking the law? Reply To: Did Mordechai make a Chillul Hashem by breaking the law?

Sam Klein

i completely oppose what you say

Mordechai stood up for Hashem & had absolutely NO FEAR of Haman/avoda zara & was not afraid to speak up in the name of Hashem (as I speak up now)

today we are still holding in the story of purim but we are not holding yet by the time of being redeemed

perhaps you can assist me with an honest answer

2)we are still in the midst of Avoda zara R”L For the past thousands of years there was always Avoda zara in the world-from the molech to the baal to the asheira tree etc…-todays avoda zara is MONEY, we are a servant to money, we serve money, we bow down to money, we let money talk & rule us. Thus we leave Hashem no choice but to take it away from us Rachmana L’tzlan. But you can still save yourself from going down. if a person can use his money the right way & remember that it all comes from Hashem & it was just loaned to him (even though he worked for it), then he is the perfect person to continue holding Hashem’s money.

SHAME on everyone for being afraid to speak up & stand up for Hashem & be mikadeish Hashem. Everyone bowed down to Haman cause they feared death & feared Haman BUT they didn’t fear Hashem R”L

are YOU allowed to bow down to avoda zara if your life is at stake? no not for the 3 main sins which you even need to die for & this is one of them.

What can you reply back to Hashem by replying back to this message. I’m not afraid to stand up for Hashem & not bow down to money or haman etc…

May we all do teshuva ASAP before things get worse in klal yisroel C”V