Reply To: Are Women Really Jewish?

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pba just started this thread cuz he didn’t like having “member” as his subtitle, and he’s too “cool” to ask for his subtitle back. 😉

DY – pba claims that he takes hashkafa and halacha seriously.

anyways, can’t answer this question cuz in pba’s own definition of what is judaism he excludes what women do. it’s all in your definiton. if definition of Jew, means coming from Avraham, Yitzchok, and Yaakov, then women are also Jews. (which is how Torah defines Jews; thus we, men and women, are all B’nei Yisroel – we all are called “children of Ya’akov, whose name was changed to Yisroel). thus, reform, conservative, and orthodox whose mothers, etc. go way back to Yaakov are Jews. someone who did not convert appropriately and did not descend from a jewish mother isn’t Jewish, even if he has a bris, keeps shabbos, etc. etc.

if someone makes up their own definiton and therefore proves that women are not Jewish based on that definition, can’t argue. can’t argue with proofs when the basic theorem is all wrong.