Reply To: sem??


(I think this is a good place to mention this) People that do things because it will give them a better shidduch etc will end up hating there life and if a guy is marrying you because you went to seminary for 2 years then he will expect the lifestyle of a girl that went to seminary for 2 years (willingly)

it is smarter to get married and on with your life when you feel your ready go for it (no one knows you better then you do) but you do pick up some good things in seminary sometimes doing what our parents want turns out pretty good but don’t do things for the wrong reasons there are too many people that end up hating themselves because they were pressured to live a certain way and now they want out but are tied in to deep and end up miserable so think about the pros and cons and talk to someone as others mentioned here

Ps if dating while you are in seminary is a option then maybe you want to go that way the dating process can take some time and if you can do both