Reply To: My issue with the Israeli Chareidi parties

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“The administrative system of marriages are of the Chareidi making. They’ve always been in control of it and have resisted any change.”

That is simply not true. As we speak the Minister of Religious Services is Rabbi Eli Ben-Dahan of Bayit Yehudi. He has been in charge of all reigious services in the state of Israel for over two years. If this was really some diabolical Chareidi plot to intentionally make marriage an administrative nightmare, not just the standard and infamous Israeli bureaucracy, you’d think he’d have cleared it up by now.

“There is no Halachic requirement that prohibits someone from using a local Rov, as opposed to a centralized system.”

True. However, there is a very big problem in allowing every last so called “Rabbi” in the country to make his own standard for geirus.

