Reply To: Women Going Overboard

Home Forums Yom Tov Pesach Women Going Overboard Reply To: Women Going Overboard



Were that the case then you might have a valid point. But firstly, putting oneself through a lot of agmas nefesh to do an unecessary task negates the positives here. I can think of numerous examples when undue trouble was gone to to do a completely useless task as far as chometz is concerned. And of plenty of cases when the motivation was mainly spring cleaning. The issurim are baal yeroah and baal yemotzeh. Cleaning a table which is used for chometz is good. Upending an entire room simply for the purpose of re-arranging it is not. What I’m questioning here is the lack of knowledge applied to the task, the motivation of many, who want a perfectly clean house, as opposed to a chometz free one, and those who put others to unecessary trouble to achieve the above aims. Technically, very little is needed to be done. A thorough search, and a good clean of areas chometz is eaten in. This shouldn’t take more than a few hours altogether. A bit further than that, i.e. lifnim meshuras hadin, is still far less than most put themselves through. Not that I’ve got anything against spring cleaning. But at least be honest about what’s for G-d’s sake and what’s not.