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HaKatan: Fine. Find me a Frum teacher or donor or board member who thinks learning Mada is more of a Kiyum than learning Torah. Again, you won’t. It doesn’t exist.
Rabbi Lamm’s book comes the closest to mentioning such a possibility. Do you know what Rabbi Lamm does 15 hours a day now? He sits and learns Torah. That’s it. He learns. He values Torah much more. He just explains why other things can have value also.
The events at YU are not “all mixed”. There are certainly many mixed events. However, none of those are obligatory and nothing is mandated. Someone can have a full college career at YU if he wants (and still go to interesting extracurricular speeches and stuff) and never speak with a girl. There is no “mixing” in the way you want to call it. What there is is an option for mixed things for those who feel that it is okay/acceptable. I guarantee you we can find major Poskim outside of the YU world who think it’s Muttar to attend a speech/presentation/booksale where there are members of the opposite gender present. It’s not a YU Chiddush.
And no, I don’t care for your anecdotal stories about people who may have called themselves “MO” and yet still did Issurim. No more than providing a story about a “Yeshivish” person who did an Issur would say something about all Yeshivish people. Show me where you see that “MO” has a systematic belief in what you claim it does–namely, that they value Mada and modernity equal to or above Torah. Until you show that, all you have is a lot of hateful hot air being spewed at perfectly Ehrlich Jews.
Your refusal to accept that there are legitimate Shittos of Zionism within Halachah is a separate issue, but less severe. At least you’re not making stuff up.
And again, unsourced comments from major Torah figures don’t help anything. I don’t know what Rav Shach said about R’ Yoshe Ber. If you want to quote it and discuss what it’s in reference to, that might lead to a conversation.