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Part of the trouble you had with finding the songs might have been

because I’d, shall we say, improvised some titles (generally a

bad idea), and was also using the incorrect track numbers from my

little brother’s old iPod for the CI songs (that’s how I heard of

those singers).

The albums are on Mostly Music as “Itzik Eshel – Rak Ata 1” and

“Chaim [or Haim] Israel – Words of Prayer,” with preview clips

only for CI.

On Israel-music, IE’s is called “Only You – Part 1,” “Words of

Prayer” is again listed under Chaim Israel, and both have

nine-minute album previews with low audio quality

(the CI samples are not the same as the Mostly Music ones).

The samples of the songs I mentioned start at

the following times in the Israel-music previews:


“Rak Elokim” – :45,

“Ahava Balev” – 4:30

“Chatan Kala” (YL) – 3:00 (You won’t hear the part I was thinking of.)


Im Ein Ani 0:00

Rak Ata – 4:30

Eize Kif – 6:00