Reply To: get rid of smart phone

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee get rid of smart phone Reply To: get rid of smart phone

☕ DaasYochid ☕

ZD, that is a much better answer than the previous ones given by you and others.

It doesn’t seek to minimize the danger, it doesn’t say it doesn’t matter because there are worse problems, it doesn’t justify it for shiurim (for which an MP3 would be sufficient), or for other useful Torah apps. It simply says that for you, it’s a necessary tool for your parnassah.

I don’t think anyone on this thread has said that you, ZD, shouldn’t have a smartphone. I think the two things which were said were: someone who doesn’t have a pressing need, such as parnassah, shouldn’t have one, and that someone who does have one should install a filter and monitoring program to minimize the risk.