Reply To: Baltimore Riots

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147 and cherrybim and all the others who are intent on bashing baltimore. I never go into the coffee room because it’s always full of lashon hara but when I saw the topic it caught my eye and you didn’t let me down. What you said about Baltimore is pure lashon hara and motzei shem ra and you need to beg mechila from the entire community or you’ll have to deal with it with the bais din shel maala. You obviously had a bad experience in Baltimore and that’s unfortunate but there’s no perfect town. If you hate carpools don’t move here or use something you never seemed to have heard of called THE BUS which all non carpoolers take and quit kvetching. I grew up in the heart of Brooklyn and though there are things I miss about it and made my chassan swear we’d only live here for 1 year max, 12 years later I’m not going back. The pashtus here overrides everything and if you actually looked at it with an ayin tova instead of bashing it you’d be amazed at how people manage to live here AND are actually happy, really as close to eretz yisroel as you’ll get in America. There’s NO pressure to live like your neighbor and people are mostly careful to not take away from their olam haba to live it up in olam hazeh as R’ Aharon Leib Shteinman has said is what happens when we live with more than we need. We have time to focus on mitzvos instead of extravagance. If you want to hate an entire city because of your bad experience go ahead, but be careful with your lashon hara because it WILL come back to haunt you. And why all the panic? Leave Baltimore?? The only way the frum community was affected by the riots was the curfew and school closings and the city is working with us to leave the mikvah open past curfew. The vaad harabonim including R’ Heineman and R” Hopfer have all said to try and obey the curfew as its making a kiddush Hashem but otherwise there’s no panic here. So why in the world are YOU in such a panic?? You’re either hyper paranoid or just a hateful person. Get rid of your hate and you’ll be a happier person, guarenteed.