Reply To: Baltimore Riots

Home Forums In The News Baltimore Riots Reply To: Baltimore Riots


“Any Jew who hasn’t already evacuated Baltimore is being Mevatel a Mitzvah Asseh de’Oraisso of “veNishmartem Me’od leNafshosechem” each & every second that s/he is remaining in Baltimore”

147—-total shtus and Loshon Hara! You obviously dont know anything about Baltimore. When outsiders look at Israel and see things going on they are frightened to go but in reality it is fine–Baltimore is B”h relativly safe. Bottom line is, we are in Golus.

I also challenge you to find a more cohesive community than Baltimore frum community, the achdus here B”h is incredible,not to mention chesed and everything else you need,plus much BETTER quality of life than alot of other places..As far as the carpool issue you mentioned, I will take that over ny traffic anyday.