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I was trolling in wikipedia when i saw the topic how many wives some people in Utah have my wife interrupted me it was time to go to one of our favorite romantic restaurants as the rolls were served i asked her had she heard about the bread theory of the shidduch crises she told me she hadnt and that its weird but i dont know if it has any halachic implications, i asked her if you finished writing your report card comments for what is the best girls yeshiva in brooklyn she told me in full disclosure no she had not yet finished.

After dinner i went to maariv and a guy says to me you have to wait for the guy behind you to finish shemona esrai! isnt this YESHIVA WORLD he bellowed! hes one to talk the whole time he was looking for a verizon droid phone in his briefcase i mean what is more disruptive in shul i ask you!

Then when i got home my brother calls me and tells me hes thinking of moving to Canada i couldn’t believe it I’m sorry Canada really??

I mean do they even have yeshivas with high school dorms there? and what about your wife i don’t know if they even sell challah making appliances there, and then we switched the discussion to shidduchim what else? and he asked how to answer questions regarding a shidduch i told him i can relate that’s a tough one and first he should find out the girl’s names then proceed.

(goq’s note yes i realize i owe Canada yet another apology for this post mea culpa!)