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I didn’t say the day, I said your day. And I said so purposely. You wake up in the morning, Daven Shacharis, you go to sleep after Maariv. Are you arguing on that?

Must Siddurim are laid out advising to the day. First is Shacharis, then Mila, Bentching, other Brachos and Tefillas Haderech. Then it’s Mincha and Maariv, then Krias Shma al Hamita. Then is Shabbos, and after that Hallel, Musaf, Yom Tov stuff Yotzros, Kriah and Tehillim.

Why do Bentchers have Hamotzi before the Seuda? After all, I only take out the Bentcher after I wash. The Hamotzi would be for the next Seuda. Therefore, it should be the last thing in the Bentcher!