Reply To: HaRav Shmuel Auerbach: We Must Follow the Path of Gedolei Hadoros Not New Things

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Rav Yisroel Yaakov Fischer, zatzal, many of whose rulings were widely respected, poskened that voting was an issur of ye’hareig v’al ya’avor, since the Bagatz has ruled that in order to take the loyalty oath required to be seated in the Knesset one has to believe that the laws of the state have supremacy over any other laws, including Torah laws, chas v’shalom. Rav Moshe Sterbuch, shlita, once pointed out that ye’hareig v’al ya’avor overrides all other considerations and gave an example that if a group of a thousand Jews is surrounded by a far larger force of goyim and the goyim demand that the Jews choose on of their number to give over to the goyim to be killed, and if they don’t give one Jews over the goyim will come and kill the whole thousand, chas v’shalom. Still, it’s asur to give over one Jew to be killed under any and all circumstances, even in a case like this where the one Jews they would have given over and all the others will get killed.