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Patur Aval Assur


1) In the thread that you linked about Modern Orthodoxy, in which you claim to have cited R’ Soloveitchik as support for your contentions, you took R’ Soloveitchik’s words out of context, making it seem as if he was making a certain point. For anyone who read that thread, I urge you to read R’ Soloveitchik’s address(es) in the original. I’ll give you a hint: all the ellipses in Joseph’s post do not appear in the original. Now, Joseph, I can’t necessarily blame you for the miscontextualization, since the frumteens moderator is the one who put in the ellipses, but at least you should know for next time to be wary of quoting someone who heavily uses ellipses. Furthermore, it should be clear that what you “cite” from R’ Soloveitchik should not be the sole informer of his position, based on the simple fact that in his other writings he expresses a different position, and the vast majority of his talmidim do not agree with the way you portrayed his position. If you are interested, a good place to start would be “Revisionism and the Rav” which will point you to a few sources in R’ Soloveitchik’s writings.

2) The whole “cavemen” thing is a complete misquote. R’ Lamm did not equate benei Torah with cavemen, nor did he even use the word “cavemen”. I would quote what he actually said except that the relevant part is about five pages long. However, the address has been published in several places; you can find it on googlebooks in “Seventy Faces: Articles of Faith, Volume 1” if you so desire to see what he actually said. Again, I don’t fault you for the misquote since you are just quoting others who have propagated the misquote; however, I would reiterate that you should be more careful when you quote people who have an obvious agenda (e.g. frumteens moderator). As we have seen recently, you have attempted to delegitimize R’ Kook via misquoting R’ Kook; you have attempted to deligitimize Modern Orthodoxy via misquoting R’ Soloveitchik; and you have attempted to delegitimize R’ Lamm via misquoting R’ Lamm.

3) You wrote:

Regardless of any apologetics, the way Dr. Rabbi Lamm used the term cavemen in conjunction with Bnei Torah was malevolent despite a sophisticated explanation of how he “really” meant it all innocuously. He well knew beforehand that making the comparison in one speaking would give the impression it gave.

Aside from the fact that (as I pointed out in #2) there wasn’t anything to explain away, I wonder if you would say the same thing about people who may have referred to other people as “Amalek” and after causing a whole stir, explained what they meant.

4) Getting back on topic, you are going to have to provide an explanation for the quote from R’ Wolbe.