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aussie, I know I was being soft, but it so much a part of my nature to be nice that when I try to be mean (or forceful) I agonize over it for such a long time and it really bothers me. In fact, if you read my posts from yesterday, (I think,) I said that I said something to her and I was extremely forceful (almost yelling, I dont yell and especially not in public, home is another story. 😉 ) The first thing I did after we “made up” was ask her mechila and apologize. It bothered me so much and I think that was a factor in my making up with her because I had to apologize to her. I think she got the idea, after she discovered I was mad at her, my conversation was like “you remember our talk from…?” “yea” “that. AND, any deep stuff about me.” I think she got the idea. I hope she did, anyway. I appreciate the time and effort you took to write that post.

Update: I didnt have too much to do with her, she was busy the entire day, but I felt a lot better about myself. 🙂
