Reply To: Daven With A Hat BeYichidus or Without it with a Minyan

Home Forums Bais Medrash Daven With A Hat BeYichidus or Without it with a Minyan Reply To: Daven With A Hat BeYichidus or Without it with a Minyan


“hey speaking of davening, (i should run away from here now before i lose control) but i actually davened mincha AND mariv today. plus i put on tfillin (a little late, but they went on today) not bad, ay?

i’ll bet anonymiss would give me an A+ for trying… “

Aw, why not go for the gold, Moish? (Seriously, I have always been of the belief that m’toch shelo lishma ba lishma. Maybe right now you are not doing exactly what a typical frum guy does or feels when he davens, but obviously you are working through some issues in this area, and I hope you continue on a really healthy derech and not give up. I think many people have felt similar feelings to yours, but are afraid to express them for fear of censure. You can re-connect to your tefila, and I think that some excellent things were said to you by ames in the previous posts.