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Home Forums Bais Medrash Daven With A Hat BeYichidus or Without it with a Minyan Reply To: Daven With A Hat BeYichidus or Without it with a Minyan

Pashuteh Yid

NotPashut: When you say that I have tayna’s on Reb Chaim’s supposed psak, because of the six points I raised, you misunderstand. The six points I raised are the psak. You have quoted a footnote which I do not know if I am required to believe is correct unless somebody shows me the original. (I do not have that sefer.) Asking for reasons is not taynas. It is asking for the etzem psak. I have not seen a single reason yet for the psak, and you have not supplied one. I can’t possibly bring taynas on an as yet (to me) nonexistent psak. I am simply asking to see how he arrived at his conclusion. When a godol paskens, he is mechuyav to give reasons. Reb Moshe didn’t just write one-line teshuvahs saying “because I said so”. Neither did the Tzitz Eliezer or anybody else. It is not beneath a godol to reveal his reasoning. The entire shakla vtarya of the gemara could have been omitted and just the maskanahs kept, if that were the case, and shas would be 100 times smaller than it is now.

It occurred to me that possibly Reb Chaim may hold that tikun hamalbushim is meakev tefilah in which case that would explain his reason, as one could not be yotzei if not dressed properly. However, the Rambam in Tefilah (5,1) says it is not meakev bdieved.

Will Hill: I did the usual screaming against college, and against modern orthodox, and against various ethnic groups saying they were vilder chayas. One time a roommate had some issues that bothered him with emunah, and I yelled at him instead of trying to help him work it out. I thought the entire working world both jewish and non-Jewish were a bunch of fools. I probably caused friction in my family when I thought they were not frum enough in this or that matter. The usual run of the mill obnoxious behavior.

Boruch Hashem I realized it before it was too late that I was missing out on the gadlus of the RBSH that he provides parnasah to people in so many fascinating ways, and that we are all interdependent on each others skills and talents. I feel much more ruchniyus and appreciation for the chochma of the RBSH and the incredible beauty of his world in the hashkafah of ahavas habriyos than I ever did in my older hashkafah of gayvah and bitul of everything. This I believe is the lesson the gemara teaches us in that when Reb Shimon bar Yochai came out of the cave, everywhere he looked he burnt with his eyes and he kept saying meneechin chayei olam voskin bchayei shaah. But a bas kol came down and said get back into your cave, you are destroying my world. A year later he saw yidden running around frantically in the market for tzorchei shabbos, and he understood that we need the physical world for ruchniyos, as well. At that point everywhere he would look, he would heal with his eyes. (He stopped being mevatel everything, and started to appreciate the hard work of people even if they were not learning full-time.)