Reply To: Daven With A Hat BeYichidus or Without it with a Minyan

Home Forums Bais Medrash Daven With A Hat BeYichidus or Without it with a Minyan Reply To: Daven With A Hat BeYichidus or Without it with a Minyan


anonymisss – how do you know what i look like? 😉

squeak – i’m not sure what all those terms mean and i’m not in the mood to look them up but i think i get the general picture. i think everyone really believes in god. they might challenge it, but they all know he exists. i’m not stupid so why would i use “not believing in god” as an excuse?

areivim – i don’t think you get that i DO daven and i love davening. i’m just not makpid about the 3 times a day, with a minyan, and the zman. but sure i daven when i feel the need.

syrian – i don’t know if this is the place for this conversation, but if you’re gonna get technical about them then maybe i didn’t do any of those three. ***Edited***