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Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee 'Halachic Dinner" – What do you think about it? Reply To: 'Halachic Dinner" – What do you think about it?


mentsch1: “you get all sorts of rationalization. “I have a big family, I give a lot to tzedukah, its not an aveirah.”

Well said, and thank you, could not have said it better.

DaasYochid: “I read newbee’s words that way.”

Yes, thanks, thats what I was trying to get across. The excitement you have for that delicious shabbos meal should enhance your shabbos learning and family interactions. It should put you in a better mood so you can elevate the ruchnius part of shabbos too (since on shabbos gashmius is meant to elevate ruchnius unlike a regular weekday when gashmius tends to do the opposite). But if you are rushing through shachris to get to lunch, thats a problem.

“I think your objection to the halachic dinner is that it’s a more extreme form of redifas hataavah than we’re used to, and cloaked as a religious experience.”
