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when a publication in any public format comes out that draws an opinion that some might take issue with does that make it lashon hora?

No, it’s a philosophical / halachic debate.

I don’t need semicha to reiterate obvious concepts of mussar that have been published for eons

If people are taking offense it’s not because there is anything wrong with the message or the forum, its because they don’t like the conclusions (or have a guilty conscience)

Its a very American liberal attitude that you cant say anything that might make someone feel “judged”

This is yeshivaworld right?

Yeshiva implies growth through learning and mussar

In addition, a public forum is the right place for this. The rampant gashmius in Brooklyn affects us all.

For example

those that can’t afford brand name labels, have to deal with teenage kids coming home from certain schools asking for the latest in expensive fashion. If you are raising your kids one way, its hard to keep that tznius attitude once your kids hit high school and are exposed to other kids

Even anti-semitism is increased by blatant shows of wealth (so says rav eyebshutz and others)

If only one reader of this takes a more tznius/more mussardik approach than there is a to-elis