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Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee 'Halachic Dinner" – What do you think about it? Reply To: 'Halachic Dinner" – What do you think about it?



The purpose of learning Mesilas Yesharim and other musar works is not to improve others, it’s to improve yourself. If you want to go through life “pas bamelech”, that’s your business. While it may make you feel holy and superior, you are not a Rav or a Manhig and have no right whatsoever to criticize others, especially if they are not violating any Torah or Rabbinic laws. As the musar giants have noted, one should worry about improving their own ruchnius while improving the gashmius of others.


Rabbi Frand’s point is very timely and relevant but it’s meant for each person to internalize on their level, not as a platform to rebuke others. Rabbi Frand himself will be leading a luxury tour of Europe this summer, just as he has done previously. The itinerary will not include musar sessions on why the participants are wrong to be on such a luxurious tour. In regards to chinuch, one cannot influence their children’s choices by criticizing the choices other people make. One can only do so by showing their children through example how rich their lives are regardless of designer labels.