Reply To: How to increase Tzinius

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The story Chavie told over is a “christian” method of scarring people with enternal damnation in order to get them to listen to the church. Stories like this and like the one about a shaitel macher whose grave was consumed by worms and the like do NOTHING to bring more tzinus inot the world. They drive people away from tznius. After all these women/girls were punished, there is no hope for me so why bother. Only through posotive encouragment will we increase tznius (see my earlier post about the sock story) When you see your daughter/wife dressed tzniu (from a young age) tell them “you look like a bas melach, and that is really beautiful, you look so shabbosdig”

Fear of punishment freezes people and prevents them from making any real change, and being that tznius is an pnimyous middah- no real change takes place, except a hatred of the topic tznius.

Lakewood should be proud that so many women and men want to omprove tzinus. Mi keamcha Yisrael!