Reply To: How to increase Tzinius

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JOseph- I don’t know pashuta, but I am charedi, very charedi and I live in a neighboorhood that is “meah shearim hakatana” (I am not the type of person you would think hangs out in “coffe rooms” aka chat rooms, what should I do If my boss doesn’t give me enough work?) but he/she (meaning pashuta) does have a point the yetzer hara is excellent at getting us sidetracked from the main point. Intresting that after boaz notices rus for her tznius he cbentches her “aynaich bsadeh” keep your eyes inthe field, stay on target, don’t get sidetracked. Similar to the bracha we bentch our children erev yom kippur, aynaich lnoach yabitu- your eyes should be forward- Look to Hashem- remember that that is what everything is about Hashem!

We want our children to be good frum adults, because we want what we know is best for them, but we often forget the direction we want to take to get there.

I am very happy youstarted this thread, I would like to returen to your original question and hear more suggestions on how to increase tznius in our communities.