Reply To: How to increase Tzinius

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One more VERy important point. A much needed caveat/correction to your understanding of R’ Yisroel Salanter.

First off. It is not just R’ Yisroel Salanter who said Yiras Shomayim is number 1.

FYI, the Ba’al Shem Tov and the Biggest Talmidim of the Ba’al Shem who are famous for there ‘positive attitude’ approach to sinners etc. have also stated quite clearly that the first step in Avodas Hashem is Yiras HaOnesh.

That being said….

Yiras haOnesh like any TRUE CHovos haLevovos cannot be forced on somebody. Every individual needs to work on this for themselves.

By using a positive approach a person’s heart cvan be opneded into developing Yiras HaOnesh for himself. These crazy stories DO NOT encourage any true Yiras haOnesh – the opposite they cause 1 of 2 things 1) rebellion 2) lemele keit.

In case you were not aware – Yiras haOnesh is not lemele keit. It shtams from a very healthy sense of knowing that Hashem – not some kook rabbi or rebbitsenm – is looking at me. Aderaba – a person w/true Yiras Onesh has Azus d’Kedusha (OZ v’Hodor LEVUSHA) – which as the Gemoro says in Beitza was the prime reason why klal yisroel were picked to be His nation.