Reply To: What is mandated in NY for private schooling

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A few points:

1: ZD, you claim that there is no mandated requirement to teach special ed in languages other than English. Can you quote where you saw/learned that?

2: I have to agree with ZD that although there probably are a few people with Chassidish Levush in public schools, they are probably few and far in-between, knowing chassidish shittah on anti-college.

We try to get services for our community and I’ll let the Pashtun speakers try to get whatever they can. If we have more voters, or clout or whatever, perhaps we can be more successful.

Other groups may have more clout in places other than a small area school board, such as state and national government. So if a locally disadvantaged group brings their case to a larger body in which they have more clout, can you blame them? As I saw quoted in an op-ed today, in such a scenario (without naming locations) each side wants only what is best for their children, and is trying to get “the government” on their side.