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☕ DaasYochid ☕

That’s not all, because you have insinuated that I don’t have the prerequisite knowledge to post what I have, and despite the fact that you’re not trying to attack me in public, you are. You are saying that I posted lashon hora without toeles.

FTR, I’m fine with it, but if you want to be consistent with your own approach, you should ask a shailah before you hit “send” on any post which may be hurtful to someone, which could be an issur of onoas d’vorim.

Again, I am not hurt, so no worries, but the content and tone of what you posted could have been hurtful. Perhaps your judgement is that it’s worth that risk for whatever benefit you think you are achieving, but if you don’t think I can make such a judgment, to weigh the potential positives vs. negatives without first asking a shailah (and I’m not saying whether or not I did), then perhaps you shouldn’t either.