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ItcheSrulik – It says in the Chabad siddur that korbanos are said at home, and in shul one starts davening with the tzibbur from Hodu.
The Lubavitcher Rebbe was not a posek.
Many poskim forbid eating before davening. The Zohar forbids it in very strong terms. The Kav HaYoshar compares it to idolatry. Some say that it is forbidden from the Torah (“Do not eat upon the blood”).
But the Lubavitcher Rebbe allowed and encouraged eating before davening. My rav is extremely upset about this. You can ask Rav Belsky what he thinks about this “psak” of the Lubavitcher Rebbe.
Not washing for shalosh seudos- There is a simple reason for this, as well as a chassidic reason.
The simple reason is that the Torah says, “And Moses said: Eat it TODAY, for TODAY is Shabbos to Hashem, TODAY you will not find it in the field.” The third time it says the word “not.” Therefore, it is learned out from here that one need not eat bread by the third meal.
Like I said, there is also a chassidic explanation.
IvduesHashembsimcha – Like you said, your minhag is different from the Chabad minhag. Why is it not a problem of hefsek – the way you do it?