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hakohen53: Say what you want, but the halachah clearly states that the dress code for davening is based on what is considered respectful for that time and place. If you want to argue that people aren’t keeping that much, go ahead, but recognize that it’s a new approach to determining the dress code for tefillah.

You say people come without socks, wearing sandals – in some places that may be ok! I’m sure there are countries in the Middle East where that is considered respectful, and people would go meet their king/president/Prime Minister wearing sandals. If that is the case, it’s fine to dress that way in that area. In the US, you wouldn’t go on a job interview wearing sandals, so you shouldn’t go to daven wearing them either. The fact that some do it doesn’t have anything to do with a hat and/or jacket. I’ve seen people wearing hats and jackets at shul with jeans and a t-shirt underneath. Very often, the hat is beat up, and the jacket needed to be cleaned 6 months ago.

Your last point is true, but I don’t see what you’re trying to say. Nobody says there shouldn’t be a dress code for davening. Everyone agrees there is. You must be dressed in a respectful fashion. The only question is whether that means a hat or not. It wasn’t an excuse to wear sandals to davening.