Reply To: yeshiva tuition in central NJ

Home Forums Money & Finance yeshiva tuition in central NJ Reply To: yeshiva tuition in central NJ


It’s takahmamash a very good idea to do extensive homework before moving to E.Y. because of the high tuition costs in the U.S. I’ve been living here for over 30 years, so I have some knowledge of what I speak. The rule “you get what you pay for” is fully operable in this case. There are numerous sub-standard schools, principals, teachers in schools belonging to all the various streams. Everyone has heard stories about families immigrating and their kids never fully integrating and ending up on the streets …. And please don’t pull the “better on the streets of E.Y. than in the U.S.” nonsense. The streets here are just as bad. I won’t elaborate further on this forum. Just remember that “caveat emptor” applies to Israeli schools just like to anything else.