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☕ DaasYochid ☕

There’s no reason to think Rav Moshe was using a euphemism, unless you want justify your stealing.

I wasn’t aware that R’ Moshe even addressed music (directly). Cite please.

Suddenly, someone following a kula is following a legitimate psak? When it comes to CY, they’re not, but for geneivah, you’re okay with it?

No shaychus timers. Most poskim don’t follow R’ Moshe on that, but most poskim do hold you’re a ganav if you copy music you didn’t pay for.

Tell me, where should one nmbe machmir first, on the d’rabbanan of CY or amira l’akum, or the d’Oraisa of gezeilah which we focus on by N’eilah on Yom Kippur? Your priorities are messed up.

You also need a kapparah for the chillul Hashem you keep making every time you post your love of dishonesty on this very public website.

Not that it makes one bit of a difference, but I have no connection, nor do any friends or relatives, with the recording industry.