Reply To: Derech Halimud

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TOI- Do you mean if I do not follow every shittah of Rav Shach it does not apply to me if he says I will be an Am haaretz? He only said it about to people who follow every one of his shitos?

If rav Shach Reb Michel Yehuda Rav Shteinman Rav Mattisyahu Solomon Reb Chaim Kanievski and Rav Shmuel Auerbach etc. and many other gedolim who were/are the gedolei hador hold one way unanimously than yes you could follow them since chances are they have a very good idea in what they are saying. You make it sound like rav shach is a daas yochid who gets brushed aside unless you wwere his talmid muvhak. aderabba- maybe if you want to go slow you can only go so slow if you follow the shitos of the American Roshei yeshivos on everything.

My point is that in America you have 40 yeshivos learning slow. In Ertez Yisrael most learn faster. NOw MOST gedolim not just rav shach are against the way they learn in America. Everyone answers this is the only way to get bachurim to learn in this generation and it is sort of a horaas sha’ah. so 40 out of 40 yeshivos are doing so. My complaint is this horaas shaah is not a davar hashava lchol nefesh. In my shiur of seventeen bachurim, 3 of them want to go faster. So if it is not a davar hashaveh lacol there has to be a place for the exceptions. My complaint is the American Mehalach has a complete monopoly of every yeshiva. Why can’t anybody care about the shita of the gedolei hador and have a yeshiva for those that want to learn faster? I am not brushing aside the other gedolim I am merely saying there is obviously another mehalach other than the american mehalach so why is there no yeshiva for that mehalach?