Reply To: Lakewood school board State monitor (and Five Towns)

Home Forums Yeshiva / School / College / Education Issues Lakewood school board State monitor (and Five Towns) Reply To: Lakewood school board State monitor (and Five Towns)


Lesschumras: The “State” was also elected by voters.

The State was not elected by the voters, only the governor and the legislators were, all the rest are bureaucrats. In our system of checks and balances, only the judiciary can override an elected body. The executive can veto legislation but cannot change it. In this case the school monitor is a bureaucrat and is doing the overriding.

Now if the state of NJ would exempt the Lakewood residents from paying taxes, both real estate tax and income tax, it would be fine. I would say the state monitor can do whatever he wants, as there is no taxation without representation.

The problem is, if we don’t stop it in Lakewood the same thing will happen in NY. Just this year in NYS a similar school monitoring law passed the assembly but the Senate wouldn’t take it up, so it died. But they will try again next session.