Reply To: Shmuly Yanklowitz, Novominsker and OO theology

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I don’t know what I am bothering, because it’s been said over so many times already, but the cases are not even remotely the same.

Where there are two hechsherim, neither is an evil organization.

However Uri Ltzedek, which has nothing to do with kashrut is evil. Huge, huge difference.

In addition, you made a comment before that the small hasgochas do not supervise all the underlying ingredients. Neither does the OU, in fact there are multitudes of hashgochas certifying the ingredients. Every hashgochas has lists of different ingredients which are more or less sensitive and they base their certifications on which items are more or less a sensitive and if they have certain hakpados. The fact that a second hashgochas relies on the OU for certain ingredients, does not mean that they do not have certain additional requirements for either processes or ingredients. And there are consumers who look for those hakpados. Just having an OU does not give them comfort regarding those hakpados and therefore they look for the additional hashgochas. The OU may not look for those hakposaas and therefore the extra hasgocha is necessary for those consumers.

However to reiterate again, the twizzllers are not all the same as U L which is a farce, as its headed by and its standards are set by a non Jew and a Kofer.