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I asked a friend of mine knowledgable in kashrus who runs the Kosher Newxus blog (no shaychus at all to any kashrus orgs, so he is not nogea b’davar on anything).

He says that R’ Schechter is fine, but that R’ Steinberg is no good, that Triangle K and Ner Tamid K are good, but Tablet K no good, and that “The Good Life” cheese produced under the hashgacha of R’ Dovid Katz is no good because it is mamesh gevinas akum.

On that note, does anyone know more of R’ Dovid Katz? I’ve seen his teudah on Chock Full of Nuts in Flatbush, and his hechsher on Russian baked goods. The fact that he allows cheese that would be kasher per the shita of Tosafot and not the Rambam is telling, IMHO, since this is a view of Tosafot which nobody sems to follow, although Rav Soloveitchik followed it and ate Kraft cheese.