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So, finally something is waking the people up to whats going on!! What a relief ! I knew this was coming, but unfortunately jews are in denial until something happens to them. What am I talking about? This is what Ron Paul has been trying to tell you all along. The government is taking over every aspect of your life. You dont believe it, well now you will see it. I have been trying to tell people about this, since they are doing the same thing with vaccines. Just by the way, many non jewish babies died after birth and they call it SIDS. check the insert. The DTP vaccine insrt states that SIDS can be followed by the vaccine. SO now instead of blaming the vaccine they blame the parents for shaking the baby, but better yet , blame the Mohel, who just did a bris on a baby that got the HEP b vaccine at birth, and now the hep b virus is transfered to the mohel, so the mohel is causing the baby to die. WOw! great , when the non jewish baby dies from the HEP b vaccine, they say its sids, eventhough the brain gets inflamed from the vaccine. WHen will people see the truth about whats going on? My guess, is never, because people are ridiculous and think that the US government is here to protect you. wake up real fast. ANd thanks to this forum, I cant even let you know about this , since the moderator will delete anything they think is not to their liking. I am sick and tired of people living in a daze, not seeing what is coming. Then they have all the problems. SO start doing your research now.