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Baal Boose


Here is a Mashal.

A tavern owner wanted to close his business and no longer deal with the rif-raf.

So he closed the business, but the crowds hang out there demanding their drinks.

So a rebbe advised him;

“did you empty your shelves?” “Yes i did.”

And did you restock with other merchandise?” “No” ansered the chosid”.

Aaah thats the problem; as long as the shelves/space are empty its not enough, you gotta fill them with different merchandise, and they’ll then go elsewhere.

The nimshal is, to get rid of old ‘machsovos/thoughts” you have to fill the space with new stuff.

Nature abhors a vacum.

Also here is an inspiration.

Ever notice the ‘nun’ is missing in ashrei! Goes straight from mem to samech.

Thats cuz Nun is for ‘noifel’ falling, and everyone falls.

Never the less, the very next posuk is “somech Hashem lchol hanoflim” Hashem picks up all who fall, all you have to do is ask.

As we see in ‘tzetel koton’ Of R’ Elimelch in the prayer before prayer,

we pray so that we should pray well.

In A nutshell? if you’re having problems ( or even if not) say a ‘kapital’ Thillim, and say Hashem just help, i need you, and you can and want to.

And He does.