Reply To: Letter from Rabbonim that Schools Must Accept Non-Vaccinated Children

Home Forums Controversial Topics Letter from Rabbonim that Schools Must Accept Non-Vaccinated Children Reply To: Letter from Rabbonim that Schools Must Accept Non-Vaccinated Children

🍫Syag Lchochma

nisht – just saw your post now. I appreciate the qualification, I was aware that Dr. Eilenberg was chashuv but was not aware of his credentials. I still wonder, and I don’t profess to know, if his knowledge as a doctor is enough when we are specifically talking about population and numbers. Meaning, stam is quoting Dr. E’s remarks about the patients he serves, regardless of his stature, it is still a very specific and small population in relation to the entire world. Unless the Dr. was implying research he had done on this subject, and not just who he sees personally. But honestly, especially with all you have said about him, i don’t believe for a minute he said any of those statements above.