Reply To: Why is everybody anti anti-vaccine theories, a dissertation

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catch yourself

Hmmm. Do we really suspect our doctors and pediatricians of being “in cahoots with Big Pharma” to the extent that they would deliberately endanger the lives of their patients to perpetuate the vaccine conspiracy?

Or is it that we believe them to be misled, apparently not intelligent enough to research the issues and draw their own conclusions? Or, perhaps, they simply do not care enough to do the research necessary to ensure that they continue to provide excellent care to their patients?

I am not a medical professional, and I do not have the education or time to research the issue of vaccines. Luckily for me, it would be a waste of time, since every single doctor I have ever asked has reacted with great passion about the danger of the anti-vaccine crowd. This includes pediatricians and specialists who are leaders in their respective fields, based not only on wide repute, but on their positions and peer reviews.

For one, Dr. Shanik, who is well known to be a great Tzadik and whose practice is (as far as I know this is still the case) the largest pediatric practice in the state of New Jersey, is a strong advocate of vaccines. Is he out to kill and maim Jewish children?

Come, now, this is ludicrous.