Reply To: Why is everybody anti anti-vaccine theories, a dissertation

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Veltz: Firstly I take offense at the fact that you think I could not comprehend what you wrote (just letting you know).

Secondly: Considering you think yourself worthy of a well thought out reply in response to your ranting I will do my best.

Admittedly there have been flawed studies but by 2015 the evidence against vaccination has been discredited by non-flawed studies.

As well research in the field of immunology is always happening. People are discovering new ways to do things all the time and if a company holds onto a semi-effective vaccine instead of funding research to improve it they will be left way behind.

The flu vaccine is a very individual case and should not inform your decisions about other vaccines.

Vaccines have dramatically changed the statistics of world mortality in the past 100+ years (antibiotics have helped as well). If you took the time to read the studies and scholarly articles and look at the statistics you might have a very different view.

In short: there are issues with one or two of the vaccines on the market today however you should not allow this to inform your perception of vaccinations in general. Keep yourself informed and try not to be so fearful of the government.