Reply To: Na Nachs and Meshichists

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Mrs. D

There is obviously a world to learn from and be inspired by from these two giants, and I am not from either persuasion, just a mevakesh Emes. If following their philosophies and teachings helps the followers grow as Yiddin, kol hakavod, though some of those mantras really irk me and of course i am fairly 200% certain that those Rebbes would not even remotely approve. On the other hand – case in point – I have a relative who was brought up to be a loyal Chabadste, and later on also became a fan of Mahara”n…but at one point in her life was struggling with some real problems that needed real guidance. Tired of going to the Ohel and davening her heart out, to doing/saying segulos and the like, she finally went and planted herself in the office of a presently reigning tzaddik who could actually advise and help her. Said she, “I am tired of going to dead Rebbes. I have to go to a living one at this point.”