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error function

function for charity

charity saves from death

death row

row, row, row your boat


ING direct

direct election

elected official

official time slot

slot machine

machine washable

washable pants

pants pocket

pocet square

square peg

peggy sue

sue for $1,000,000

million dollar question

questionable motive


a shin injury

in jurisdiction

jurisdiction clause

clause 3

3 pointer

pointer pen


penny games

games all day

day dream

dream land

land of the free

freedom tower

tower of terror

terror struck

struck a chord

chord key

key chain

chained up

up town

town hall

hall ows

hallows of potter

potter’s wheel

wheel of fortune

fortune telling

telling him/her off

off target

target practice

practice area

area designated

designated hitter

hitting for the cycle

cycle of life

life on mars

mars the look

looking glass

glassy eyed

eyed mischievously

mischevous child

child labor

labor in egypt

egyptian mummy’s

mummy’s love

love letters

letters to heaven

heaven made, heaven sent

sent away

away without official leave (AWOL)

leaves falling

falling winds


windsor manor

manor of speaking

speaking your mind

mind your own business

business to take care of

of some sort

sort it out

out fitted

fitted shirt

shirt stain

stained glass

glass bowl


lingo game

games to be occupied

occupied with other ventures

venture to say

say it again

again and again

again we come to this