Reply To: Gefilte Fish

Home Forums In The News Democratic Underground Gefilte Fish Reply To: Gefilte Fish


I think this is one of those things that some dont get, Some people just like or dislike certain foods. I am sure there are plenty of good cooks there and make lots of Yummy food. people have differnet food tastes, I dont know why its so hard for people to get that.

Ive seen books and Shirum and the “Holiness” of certain foods and people who claim jews should not eat “Goyish” food like Sushi and Pizza. There is nothing holy about Pizza and Sushi and there is nothing Holy about Gefitle Fish or Challah, if you like to eat it , great and if you dont eat something else.

And If you think I dont like any Hemish food, I actually Like Kishka. Its all personal taste and I dont consider Kishka any more Holy than a Roast Beef (That is what we usually eat in my house since I like that)