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Does Israel owe anybody Hakaras Hatov for their existence? Yes – Hashem. But because they don’t have any toward Hashem they end up doing things that are ???? ???? in the eyes of people.

Earlier PMs would be ‘Shoel Eitza’. Questions were asked to the Steipler zt”l, Chazon Ish zt”l, Sharon personally went to the Lubavitcher zt”l – NOT by Gush Katif – (and that was the last thing he ever did in his life, he lay comatose for the rest of his life.)Just to mention a few.

Who did Netanyahu ask before coming to speak to congress?

Never before in history did any Jew have such Chutzpah. Even though we have been faced with such threats thru out Jewsih history. If he couldn’t speak to Obama direct he could’ve sent a representative. Or come and speak to a representative, But not to the entire congress about the president he is trying to influence.

That is Chutzpah even without Hakaras Hatov.

The OP writes the UN gave them the state – So why did they fight the British in 1948 for their independence?

Whereas Hakaras Hatov is very important and goyim do not understand any language other than Chanufa, it is important to know how to separate the two.

We learn from the story of Yetzias Mitzrayim, when Hashem brought the Makos. Moshe Rabainu himself did not perform the first three but the others he did. Nowhere does it mention he lived in bais Paroh therefor no Makos. Or because the former Paroh invited them to live in Mitzrayim, so therefor no makos…

Israel does pay their dept. Do they or any other Jew have to thank the US for not bombing the train tracks to Auschwitz? After all we have now proof and even a museum to go see!?!

This thread actually is a direct result of the thread “Do we have a good excuse not to live in E”Y?

If all Jewish owned businesses with their owners would relocate to E”Y and rely on Hashem, This thread would have no merit.

The Israelis would be self sufficient would not need, ask or rely on the US or anybody else. We bring our problems on our self.