Reply To: Differences between oberlandish and yekkish minhogim

Home Forums Bais Medrash Minhagim Differences between oberlandish and yekkish minhogim Reply To: Differences between oberlandish and yekkish minhogim


Joseph: What or were is a ‘Oberlander neighborhood’?

How many people do you personally know from either one?

I did not read wikipedia, But the term “oberlander” is not so much before the Chassam sofer. And most minhagim at that time were very similar if not identical. There was little difference before WWII. Like mentioned above there is an extremely common mistake That minhag Chassam Sofer is minhag Pressburg. He was the Rav there and made takanos to keep the kehilla from falling to the Neologgen. The ones who really made the ‘difference’ between them were the Yekkes who started calling them ‘Aust Yude’. So in return they got the name Yekke meaning ‘short jacket’. I guess you can say the difference is the length of the jacket which the ‘yekkes’ have cut.

Why is this important anyway? If you are Jewish as your Rabbi. If you are not Jewish, Why would you want to know? How would it affect you either way?