Reply To: Is it mutar to listen to a shiur from your Rabbi on shabbos?

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Is it mutar to listen to a shiur from your Rabbi on shabbos? Reply To: Is it mutar to listen to a shiur from your Rabbi on shabbos?


Not sure what the answer is, though listening to a recording is uvda d’chol, which though not necessarily assur, certainly is not proper. But to compare it to toiveling with a sheretz in hand (which l’chatchilah posels the tevilah), is not appropriate.

Can one listen to a TV program that goes on before Shabbos and the TV shuts itself off? Technically, maybe yes, but it would not be in keeping with the spirit of Shabbos. It’s a slippery slope to say, well, it’s divrei Torah, I feel like the rov is in the room with me, etc…If something is not in and of itself Shabbosdig, it might not be a good idea, even were it technically permissible. Ask your LOR, though. We are not poskim here.