Reply To: A promise for Shidduchim, Kids, Refous,Yeshous, etc. in exchange for learning

Home Forums Shidduchim A promise for Shidduchim, Kids, Refous,Yeshous, etc. in exchange for learning Reply To: A promise for Shidduchim, Kids, Refous,Yeshous, etc. in exchange for learning


zahavasdad – “I know lots of people who wrote resumes and filled out job applications and they got jobs”

And I know a lot of people who wrote resumes and filled out applications and still can’t find a job! Just like segulot – hishtadlus also isn’t a 100% guarantee of success. The way I see it if you do both then at least you covered all your bases and did the best you could… additionally davening is always the best option of them all.