Reply To: The World To Come and Gilgulim

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Sam, I don’t know why you had to bring that in and be on the opposite side of practically any Gadol from the time it came out. The Ramban actually only has very little of what is in the Zohar. He didn’t invent Kabbala, nor did the Ibn Ezra. But we see the Yesodos. The Zohar Hakadosh is assuming knowledge in what they discuss, it is far from a compilation of what was known. It is also not the final text, since the Zohar Chodosh and Tikkunim were found later.

R’ Moshe de Leon’s own writings don’t show more knowledge and depth than his contemporaries, of whom the Arizal said it doesn’t pay to study since they have just a few Yesodos. This is not emotional. It would be like saying that my uncle really wrote Reb Chaim’s Chiddushim and fooled the world. Although you don’t understand