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I think the terribleness of bringing about mamzerim you are referring to is primarily directed towards the initial circumstance. After the fact, if “containing the damage” was Hashem’s top priority, why would He permit mamzerim to marry at all?

In other words, what Hashem hates is the behavior that causes a mamzer in the first place, as opposed to the mamzer himself.

Well, I think we can all agree that the *primary* place to stop mamzeirim is in the original sin that resulted in the condition in the first place.

For mamzerim to find permitted and suitable potential spouses would be miraculous; why should they deny themselves happiness due to sins that were not their fault?

I’m not saying that we should deny it to them. My question is, if he wants to deny it to himself, for whatever reason, is it okay for him to do so?

I think the focus would be better placed on preventing the sins from which mamzerim originate.

Again, I think we all agree that that’s the case. But now we’re dealing with an after-the-fact situation.

Umm, what? Where in the Torah is it ever suggested that murdering a mamzer is permitted?

I was not, under any circumstancing, suggesting that it was okay to go around murdering people under any circumstances. My question was about suicide, not murdering others.

I think your focus on this issue is a bit off. What HKBH does not want to happen is the circumstances that produce a mamzer ab origine, e.g., adultery, not the mamzer per se.

I agree, to an extent. However, when we hear about the terribleness of being “marbeh mamzeirim” in the world, we don’t hear it with the caveat of “we only mean the original circumstances, but you mamzeirim who already exist, we don’t mean you…”

The Wolf