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And how about this one:

Chaverim Of Queens Conducts Free Pre-Winter Auto Checkup

(Thursday, December 10th, 2009)

This past Sunday December 6th was a wonderful day for the Queens community. Chaverim of Queens, which was founded just under 2 years ago, in memory of Mr. Jack Friedman, held a Free Pre-Winter Auto Inspection for the Queens community.

Chaverim of Queens has responded to a few thousand calls already and is growing every day.

The Pre-Winter Auto Inspection was held at Maven Motors in Kew Gardens. Maven Motors, which is located at 121-02 Jamaica Avenue is not only known as a trustworthy and reliable mechanic, but has been involved in working with Chaverim of Queens since day one by providing training for all new members. They also have mechanics available (for Chaverim members) on a regular basis to answer questions in any severe type of emergency beyond the scope of the basic training.

The event was sponsored by Personal Touch Home Health Services and co-sponsored by the Vaad Harabonim of Queens.

The mechanics at Maven Motors together with about 15 members from Chaverim inspected many cars and anyone who needed to have immediate work done was able to have it done on the spot if they so chose. Tires were filled with air, bulbs were replaced if necessary, and most cars received new windshield wipers free of charge.

Throughout the day, local police officers stopped by to say hello and were really impressed with what was being done. It truly was a tremendous kiddush hashem. Councilman Jim Gennaro who has also been a friend and supporter of Chaverim of Queens also stopped by to say a few kind words and of course to have his car inspected as well.

Refreshments, also sponsored by Personal Touch were served throughout the day to all participants, volunteers and of course the mechanics.

Chaverim of Queens is growing and is therefore always looking for new volunteers with day and night time availability. If you would like to join or know anyone who would like to join (or make a donation of any kind) please send an e-mail to [email protected] or call 347-684-1155 to request an application and an interview.